Usually I don’t report rumors. But some are too enjoyable not to report and some are too important.
Before I report these five, let me append Simon Parkes’ latest post as a reminder. (1)
The first is that John F. Kennedy, Jr. is alive.
Communications from an allegedly-alive JFK, Jr. have been prominent on Twitter, Telegram and other social media for several months now.
It’s said that he staged his own death. If the rumor is true, I welcome his reappearance.
My favorite rumor is that Princess Diana was informed of plans to kill her and instead also staged her own death. JFK Jr. and Diana collaborated in planning their “deaths,” aided by a third person, a certain Donald Trump.
Princess Di will soon make herself known.
Now that’s a rumor that warms the cockles of my heart.
The third, important rumor is that the Alliance created the Evergreen [the ship is actually named Ever Given] traffic jam in the Suez Canal in order to force the cargo to be unloaded and opened, publicly, revealing their contents of trafficked children. Now, my body is shaking.
I can’t imagine anything more upsetting and dismaying than to watch such a sight. (2) It would shake my faith in the human race being sapien (wise). And yet we’d need to endure it.
A fourth rumor is that “Project Odin” will see this unloading of the containers broadcast worldwide over the emergency broadcast system, composed of a multitude of small satellites called the Starlink system. (4)
The whole planet will see what misery child trafficking brings to the world’s children – and us.
I’ve adjudicated some pretty horrific refugee claims, but this sight, for me, would be the hardest to bear – if the rumor is true. (3)
The fifth rumor is that, during this broadcast, President Trump will be re-introduced as the legitimate President of the United States, supported by the military. (5)
We’re being advised to lay in some supplies in case there are any disruptions in supply – such as shipping being halted in the Suez canal!
All of this is being called “Plan B,” perhaps because “Plan A” – which I assume was arrests at the Inauguration – was cancelled because of the cabal’s planned catastrophe (I don’t know what it was).
I have to report that, as a person who came to distrust government after 9/11, it’s work for me to accept the Alliance’s moves as for our good. I really have to push through my distrust and skepticism. Consequently, there’s a fair amount of cognitive dissonance going on.
As I discussed elsewhere, I’ve been watching the Alliance (White Hats, Faction Three) at work since I became aware of 9/11. But this phase of things makes everything much more real. I realize we are going on whatever trust we still have in our leaders – and in the evidence they’re about to produce.
I now know much more of the story, thanks largely to Q, Wikileaks, and contemporary commentators.
If I and everyone else were not to support them, in my opinion, we’d lose the best chance we have of dislodging the cabal, short of war.
And, yes, we know the cabal’s time is ended, by the Divine Mother’s Plan for Ascension. It’s more to end it with the absolute minimum of bloodshed and other suffering.
(1) Here again is Simon Parkes’ update of March 25, 2021:
“The next few days are of the greatest importance.
“It must be noticeable that commentators in the know are having to hold back information in regard to The Return of the King [Trump] and the New Financial System [the Reval and/or NESARA/GESARA?].
“I estimate that this situation will not last long – & shortly I / we should be able to be fully open in regard to the developments coming down the track.” (Simon Parkes, “Entering a Crucial Phase,” March 25, 2021, at
(2) I am reminded of George Bush Sr.’s comment to his assistant that, if the world knew what we’ve been doing, they’d string us up from the nearest lamp post. I hope the world stays calm in the face of these disclosures.
(3) Only after these events would I expect the GCR/Reval. Or it may occur simultaneous, as a cover.
(4) If it hasn’t already been, the Internet will then be scrubbed of pedophilia and other criminal activity and reformed.
(5) Their support seems evident in the closing down of Washington and denial of the use of Air Force One and Two to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris while extending its use to Donald Trump.